Helping families just like yours
在我从事该领域的十六年时间里,我很高兴启动了两个 Baby Net/早期干预项目(内华达州和华盛顿州),并负责监督整个佐治亚州的早期干预项目。 在此期间,我帮助了 1000 多个像您这样的家庭实现并发挥出他们的全部潜力。如果您想让您的孩子拥有最好的人生开端,请立即联系我们,看看我们能为您提供什么帮助。

我叫 Sally Cannon。ABC Early Intervention 的创始人和所有者。我在教育领域拥有超过 25 年的丰富经验,是一名敬业且充满热情的专业人士,我将职业生涯的大部分时间都投入到培养年轻人的思想中。我的职业生涯一直致力于促进 0-3 岁儿童的成长和发展,尤其是那些面临发育迟缓的儿童。
我对幼儿教育有着浓厚的兴趣,因此我专注于为那些在成长过程中需要额外支持的儿童提供帮助。在过去的 16 年里,我指导和帮助发育迟缓的儿童,帮助他们克服挑战并取得重大成就。见证孩子进步的满足感,无论进步有多小,都是我工作的动力。没有什么比听到孩子说出第一句话或迈出第一步更令人高兴的了!
尽管我的幼儿教育硕士学位为我提供了深厚的理论基础和对儿童发展复杂性的全面理解,但我真正的经验来自于 16 年与像您这样的家庭一起工作的经验。帮助成千上万的家庭应对每天的挑战和挣扎,并能够微笑着走出困境,这就是我热爱我所做之事的原因。
我参加过许多培训和会议,内容涉及自闭症、年龄和阶段问卷、父母与婴儿互动、促进初次关系的金字塔模型(行为)和家访评分量表 (HOVRS)。我的目标是为最年轻的学习者创造更光明的未来,使他们能够茁壮成长,成为自信、有能力的人。



早期干预适用于 0-3 岁的儿童。在您与我们相处期间,我们经常会讨论过渡和后续步骤,但在大约 29 个月时,我们将制定一个计划,以应对您的孩子满三岁时的情况。有很多选择,例如发展学前班、日托或启蒙计划。

What areas do you cover?Currently we serve children in Greenville County (Greenville, Simpsonville, Mauldin, Fountain Inn, Greer, Traveler's Rest.)
Does my child have to qualify for services?Yes. Your child may qualify for Early Intervention services if they: Have delays in speech or physical development Were born premature or had a low birth weight Have an illness or genetic condition Have difficulty with vision or hearing Display difficult behaviors or difficulty getting along with others
How do I refer my child for Early Intervention Services with ABC Early Intervention?Please follow the link and let them know that you would like services with ABC Early Intervention. https://babynet.scdhhs.gov/prebabynet/
What is Early Intervention?Early Intervention is a Federally funded program for children aged 0-3 years that have or are at risk of having a developmental delay such as, speech delay, not walking yet, feeding concerns, to diagnosed conditions such as Down Syndrome and Autism. At ABC Early Intervention we will provide you with a Special Instructor/Service Coordinator who will provide you with ideas and evidence based strategies as well as ensuring that you are connected with community based organizations that will address your concerns and needs.
English isn't my first language, can I still receive services?Yes! We provide interpretation for all of our families that require it.
What is an IFSP?An IFSP is an Individualized Family Service Plan. We will help you create a plan that will give you a baseline of how your child is doing; it will showcase your priorities and concerns. We will develop goals together and a list of strategies to achieve those goals, capture the services that your child will receive while receiving services with us.
Where do services take place?All services take place in the natural environment, this can be your home, at a park, library, childcare or any place where you would find typically developing children.
How much is it?Services are at no cost to you.
As children grow and develop they learn new skills everyday. Smiling, waving bye, saying their first word and taking their first step are all examples of milestones. If you have concerns that your child is not reaching their milestones, feel free to give us a call and see if we can help you. One screening can make a world of difference!
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) "Learn the Signs Act Early" website for more information.
在 ABC Early Intervention,我们欢迎背景、观点、文化和经验的多样性。我们所做的一切都以多样性、公平性、包容性和归属感 (DEIB) 为中心。我们欢迎各行各业的家庭和员工。
Come Work with Us!
Early Interventionist/Service Coordinator
Job Description:
Early Interventionists perform a variety of professional level duties related to the assessment, planning, direct service, and documentation of the needs and progress of children eligible for services with ABC Early Intervention.
Level Of Education:
A Bachelor’s degree in one of the following areas:
Education Categories:
Early Childhood
Special Education
Early Childhood Special Education, or
Elementary Education
Speech, Physical & Occupational Therapy
Child/Human Development
Family and Consumer Sciences
Public Health
Social Work
(REQUIRED) At least one year of experience in the field of early intervention or early childhood education, or working with children aged 0-3 years.
(PREFERRED) At least one year of experience with South Carolina's BabyNet Early Intervention Program. Bilingual applicant.
At ABC Early Intervention, we do not just accept diversity and inclusion — we celebrate it, support it, live it, and flourish in it. This benefits our employees, the community and our families.
We believe that curiosity and critical thinking are essential to the dialogue and improving decision-making, planning, resource allocation, and how we treat others. Our goal is to create and implement equitable practices, policies, and culture. To be equitable means to value and respect individuals from all cultural backgrounds, genders, races, identities, and abilities. ABC Early Intervention is proud to be an equal opportunity employer, including disability and veterans’ status.
This is a drug free workplace, conducting pre-employment and random drug testing.
If you wish to apply, please submit a resume.
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you!